Helicone Community Page

Updated 4 months ago

Self hosted version - data not showing up on dashboard but OpenAI proxy works fine?

Able to properly get a response from OpenAI - it even stores in Minio fine... but my dashboard is empty

Do i need Kafka running or something?
would appreciate some help here pls
Plain Text
dbInsertClickhouseError ClickHouseError: Cannot parse input: expected '"' before: 'token":0,"provider":"OPENAI","country_code":"US","target_url":"https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions","properties":{},"request_body":"What are the top 5 co': (while reading the value of key proxy_key_id): While executing WaitForAsyncInsert: (at row 1)
    at parseError (/usr/src/app/valhalla/jawn/node_modules/@clickhouse/client/dist/error/parse_error.js:32:16)
    at ClientRequest.onResponse (/usr/src/app/valhalla/jawn/node_modules/@clickhouse/client/dist/connection/adapter/base_http_adapter.js:127:51)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
  code: '27',
Error inserting logs: {"chError":"Error inserting logs to Clickhouse: Error inserting request response logs: Error inserting request response logs: {\"code\":\"27\",\"type\":\"CANNOT_PARSE_INPUT_ASSERTION_FAILED\"}"} for batch
Required Kafka environment variables are not set, KafkaProducer will not be initialized.
Inserting rate limits for batch
Upserting logs for batch
dbInsertClickhouseError ClickHouseError: Cannot parse input: expected '"' before: 'token":0,"target_url":"https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions","provider":"OPENAI","country_code":"US","properties":{},"assets":[],"scores":{},"request_body': (while reading the value of key proxy_key_id): While executing WaitForAsyncInsert: (at row 1)
    at parseError (/usr/src/app/valhalla/jawn/node_modules/@clickhouse/client/dist/error/parse_error.js:32:16)
    at ClientRequest.onResponse (/usr/src/app/valhalla/jawn/node_modules/@clickhouse/client/dist/connection/adapter/base_http_adapter.js:127:51)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
  code: '27',
Hi we just fixed this. Sorry for the delay.

You do not need Kafka for selft hosting
What is your timeline for getting this setup? I will have some time next week to help you more 1:1 on a call
by like late next week. let me shoot you a DM
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