Helicone Community Page

Updated 6 months ago

Azure <> Helicone NodeJS

At a glance

Community members are having trouble integrating Helicone with the Azure OpenAI service. They have tried various code snippets but are encountering a 404 "Resource not found" error. The issue seems to be related to the deployment name and the structure of the API endpoint. After some back-and-forth, a community member identified the problem and created a pull request to address it. The solution involves using the correct API endpoint structure, including the deployment name and API version as query parameters. Once the PR is merged, the issue should be resolved.

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I am having a hard time trying to get Helicone to work with the Azure OpenAI service....

I have tried a few variations and can't seem to get things working. I also don't see anything in the instructions about how to specify a deployment name (I have a deployment for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) so not sure if that is causing the problem?

Here is my code snippet:

Plain Text
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai";

const configuration = new Configuration({
    apiKey: process.env.AZURE_API_KEY,
    basePath: "https://oai.hconeai.com/v1",
    baseOptions: {
      headers: {
        "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer ${process.env.HELICONE_API_KEY}`,
        "Helicone-OpenAI-Api-Base": `https://XXXX.openai.azure.com`,
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);

In the Helicone Dashboard, I am seeing the request being logged as a 404 and saying "Resource not found" do you have anyway to see if the request contains the API key correctly, or understand what is causing it?

I know it is deployed and available, because the following code snippet is when I use the OpenAI Azure NodeJS library directly, which works fine:

Plain Text
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "azure-openai";
const openai = new OpenAIApi(
    new Configuration({
       apiKey: process.env.AZURE_API_KEY,
       azure: {
          apiKey: process.env.AZURE_API_KEY,
          endpoint: process.env.AZURE_URL,
          deploymentName: 'XXXXXXX',
I've made this into a thread to make it easier to figure out
I've also tried naming the deployments the same as the model, although Azure doesn't allow . for the 3.5 models, but I have tried making requests with 3.5 and 4 and both fail
anyone found a solution?
We’re taking a look into this now. Will let you know when we have updates!
Thank you!
FYI, I want adapt that curl

1curl "https://newinstance.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/gpt-4/chat/completions?api-version=2023-03-15-preview" \
2 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
3 -H "api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
4 -d "{
5 "messages": [],
6 "max_tokens": 800,
7 "temperature": 0.7,
8 "frequency_penalty": 0,
9 "presence_penalty": 0,
10 "top_p": 0.95,
11 "stop": null

But it doesn’t work with helicone and api base header 😵
I get always resource not found
I sent you both a DM. It would be great to hop on a call to debug this together. Additionally, if you're ok with it, please add me to your org so I can take a look: cole@helicone.ai
Thanks, I've replied
Looked into the issue and attempted it locally. I created a PR to addrress it. Waiting for review then can merge:


Hopefully it fixes the issue. TLDR:


The endpoints look like: https://YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_NAME/completions?api-version=2023-05-15

But our current logic strips the entire ending and forces it to be:

This causes a 404. The azure endpoints require the url structure. The model is not even in the body. Luckily with Scotts recently change, the model name will be retrieved from the response first.
Ah nice, glad you found it!
Any idea how long it'll take for the PR to be approved?
Hopefully today or latest tomorrow.
Just checking in to see if there has been any progress, I can see some comments on the PR
We are looking into this soon, sorry for the delay
@here try this and let me know if that works!

Plain Text
const configuration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "AZURE_API_KEY",
  basePath: "https://oai.hconeai.com/openai/deployments/YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
  baseOptions: {
    headers: {
      "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer HELICONE_API_KEY`,
      "api-key": "AZURE_API_KEY",
    params: {
      "api-version": "API_VERSION",
The JSON pretty version currently shows Invalid Prompt, but the pure JSON tab works. This is likely due to a FE mapping that needs to be updated. CC:
A PR with the Invalid Prompt fix has now been merged. Everything should work now! https://github.com/Helicone/helicone/pull/707
Unfortunately I'm still getting a 404 and Resource not found everything looks to be set correctly....
Added the api-version part also and still no luck 😦
Let me know if you spot anything I'm doing wrong when you dig into the requests, or if it's helpful to do some live debugging just let me know!
That is what this should build on our backend. It will do this:

Grab the OpenAI basePath path, so /openai/deployments/[DEPLOYMENT]
Then append that to the Helicone-OpenAI-Api-Base which should look like https://[AZURE_DOMAIN].openai.azure.com. It will then add the params to the end as query params. With the final url shaped like:

{Helicone-OpenAI-Api-Base}{OpenAI BasePath Path}{Params}

Yup that lines up with what i have locally
as per the working curl request i sent before - just doesnt seem to work theough helicone
I am actually able to reproduce your issue :/

I am going to take a deeper dive in a bit.... but this is failing for me right now

Plain Text
  const configuration = new Configuration({
    baseOptions: {
      headers: {
        "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer <>`,
        "api-key": "<>",
  const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);
  const response = await openai.createCompletion({
    prompt: "This is a test",
    model: "text-davinci-003",
  console.log("configuration", response);
Are you able to see the raw request on your side to check that it doing what you expect and also passing the api key
well im glad its broken for you also haha
yeah the raw request on our side looks good for some reason 🤔
I am super busy tonight, so I might not be able to get to this till tomorrow
I sent some notes to Cole
thanks - hopefully we can get it sorted tomorrow then! Appreciate you contining to dig into it!!
I think in your version you are missing the apiVersion, once you add that it works
Are you able to call now?
i cant get mine to work with or wirhoir the version
Can you hop on a call?
yea gimme 5 mins
I'm available now
This is still not working for me either... :/ ?

Plain Text
  const configuration = new Configuration({
    baseOptions: {
      headers: {
        "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer <>`,
        "api-key": "<>",
      URLSearchParams: {
        "api-version": "<>",
The search params are not getting added 🤔
We were able to solve it on call. The params belonged inside the baseOptions after the headers:

Plain Text
const configuration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "AZURE_API_KEY",
  basePath: "https://oai.hconeai.com/openai/deployments/YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_NAME",
  baseOptions: {
    headers: {
      "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer HELICONE_API_KEY`,
      "api-key": "AZURE_API_KEY",
    params: {
      "api-version": "API_VERSION",
URLSearchParams -> params
Awesome, thanks for helping solve this! Seeing the latency difference is incredible, same question asked to OpenAI = 17.6s to respond, Azure = 5s - being able to track this is awesome, thanks!
Wow! That is amazing

I cant repro. Would you mind updating the example in the docs here to reflect this change? I dont feel comfortable doing it since I cant get mine to work :/

The PR that updates those docs was merged and has now just been deployed to our Mintlify documentation!
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