Helicone Community Page

Updated 5 months ago

Blocked from dashboard due to usage limit

At a glance

A community member is blocked from their dashboard due to usage limits and has set up a call to resolve the issue, but has not received a response. Other community members offer to help, suggest scheduling a call, and try to coordinate a meeting time. However, there is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.

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Hey folks, blocked from your dashboard due to usage limit.. I setup call to upgrade / resolve this temporarily and no response on this
anything you can do help here?
Hi , are you available for a today?
I can call at 12pm PST. (in 10 minutes)
If not, please respond with a better time, or pick a time that works best for you here: https://cal.com/cole-gottdank/15min
I did not see your scheduled call anywhere? Did you schedule on cal.com and was it scheduled for today?
yes on cal.com at 1:15 EST today
booked one for later evening. but i can chat now as well
I see you just booked a new meeting. Apologies about missing the first one today, Justin is traveling in China right now, so schedule has been messy. I will be at the new one.
Let's chat now then. Give me 5 minutes
I will DM you the google meet
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